370 – Crusade Experiences

370 – Crusade Experiences

August 23, 1989 San Francisco

Sense a cleansing and a new beginning. In my mind’s eye I see everything in me and in my life as pure white as snow. Step by Step with my High Priest, My Intercessor, will I walk today, leaving behind the OLD, wrapped up in the new life and encouraged, hopeful, pressing on, filled with the Holy Ghost.

I fully relinquish a critical spirit as part of my personality. It is no longer! If it should come near I will by faith rebuke it—as with all lusts of the eye and flesh. I will be content with what I have knowing My God IS IN control. I will receive WISDOM as I cry out for it today regarding ways of honoring my husband and loving and dealing with our children. I expect God’s provision in all areas. Amen and Hallelujah!

August 25

Mario Murillo Crusade on Wed night, Dan received an infilling of the Spirit as powerful as the first laying on of hands in Reno. He received

            Do not grow weary … you will reap! Galatians 6:9

Danny Herd, who was in charge of equipment and organization, said thanks to Dan—that he wished he had ten men like Dan.

The pastor of the church was extremely grateful for Dan and the boys cleaning up each evening before the crusade.

When Dan passed out posters of the Cow Palace Crusade in Hunters Point District, he said he was well received.

Timmy and Markie went forward for the baptism of the Holy Spirit!! Markie said he almost got pushed down by the Spirit, he was swaying back and forth, but didn’t want to fall.

Tim and Markie were prayed for by Caleb Quaye and Tim also was prayed for by Pastor Stewart and Mario Murillo’s wife. Praise God. His jaw is still in place. We will see what the Lord will do.

The Holy Spirit came on me in intercession and in love.

333 – God Supplies Headache Relief, Dental Work, and a Job

333 – God Supplies Headache Relief, Dental Work, and a Job

January 5, 1989 Bridgemont in San Francisco

For Christmas we drove down the coast to Connie’s and Jerry’s house in Paso Robles! It was a great family reunion.

Two days ago, I had a headache all day. The next morning I still had the headache. As I was walking and praying, I confessed the sin of fear and the next time I thought about it, both the fear and the headache were gone and did not return. That same day Dan was discouraged and depressed. He confessed. Gone.

Both Karen and Jan have told us to call collect. Jan said to call on Wednesdays each week so she can share our needs with the men’s and women’s prayer groups.

These friends’ availability provides great encouragement.

The San Francisco Foursquare Church is a blessing. One couple had us over to brunch on New Year’s Day. We have Japan in common with three people: a young lady named Helen is Japanese American, and Frank and Orinda have been short-term missionaries to Japan and want to go back. Thank You, Lord, for people with a heart for Japan.

AND: God comes to church there consistently!

After two weeks of following up on leads in the newspaper and making calls and sending resumes, Dan looked in the yellow pages under architectural design, made a call, and was asked to come in this morning. Last night after church Dan felt today would be a breakthrough day. We asked the prayer groups to pray. The job is $10 an hour (Dan had hoped for $15). He will be drafting house plans. Another person was hired for the teaching position at the school. Dan was relieved. Instead, we moved to a smaller apartment and Dan became the night watchman. His assignment was check all of the interior and exterior doors, the pool, the back hallways, to be sure everything was locked and that no one was trespassing.  

Timmy’s bad tooth took us to emergency room at Mt. Zion on a holiday! They informed us there was no charge because we had consulted with the dentist over the phone. We paid $10.95 for penicillin. When we went back the next day for a consultation and drilling, there was no charge. PTL Timmy will need a crown, which an intern will do for $400.

Praises: we got very practical Christmas gifts: a sauce pan, sweaters, remote control cars for the boys, and some other toys! Plus we still have lots of vitamins and some cleaning products our friends in Colorado gave us.

Our challenges:

* very limited kitchen ware and no oven

*my hairdryer blows only cold air and the apartment is very cold

*I lost one of Granny Mary’s earrings and one of Jan’s earrings from Hong Kong

*no phone

*we are trying to sell the motor home (originally purchased by our friends for us for $8,700). Dan is asking $3900. We plan to get a car with the money.

*my needs for a hair and clothes

*money for Tim’s crown

We expect to have a good report soon about God’s supply.

332 – Our Breakthrough Arrives

332 – Our Breakthrough Arrives

December 20, 1988 Daly City

We were in the trailer park for seven l-o-n-n-n-g days. But God is faithful, and this morning we got our breakthrough!

Today Dan tried again and called Karen’s friend Bob Carlson. He has been out of town!! [cell phones were not in common use in 1988]

He gave us the number of his friend, Bill Shappert, who is the property manager at Bridgemont High School. We went to meet Bill and he showed us an RV space on the property which he said he would rent to us for $175 a month.

Oh bless God!!!!!!

This place is a God-chosen, hidden, REFUGE. It is an overgrown, wooded, ten-acre campus in the Mission District which is not even on the city map! It is an answer to my pleas for safety for our sons.

Note: Bridgemont was a 3-story turn-of-the-last-century brick building which had been a Catholic convent that was used for housing unwed mothers. Up to 100 young women at a time were housed there, over decades … until the passage of  Roe v Wade in 1973. The next year, since abortion was legalized, it became the popular choice in an unwanted pregnancy. The next year the convent’s client population declined to 3, the home was closed, and the nuns departed. At some point it was purchased to be used as a Christian high school.

Not only did our breakthrough come with this affordable parking space on this beautiful, secluded-feeling campus in the middle of the busy Mission District, but we discovered a Foursquare Church! As we were leaving our first meeting, the pastor’s wife, Joyce Woodman, introduced herself and offered us respite money and asked if we had pans for Christmas! She ‘took us in’–she really befriended us. I have never experienced such bold love and trust within a few minutes of meeting someone.

December 21 Bridgemont High School, San Francisco

The property manager is letting us have a 2-bedroom apartment for the Christmas season for free—and it is furnished!! and it is WONDERFUL! Thank God for tender-hearted people!

The usual rent for this small apartment is $750, which includes utilities, but which is way too much.

Bill said we could have it for free rent in exchange for Dan working at the school. The position is for a Bible and Drama teacher. I could see Dan doing that.

I tried to reach Karen and Jan with the good news of our praise report but neither was available.

327 – Going Out, Not Knowing the Details

327 – Going Out,

Not Knowing the Details

October 25, 1988 – I had JOY ALL DAY!! All glory to God!


*We are going out NOT KNOWING our itinerary—by faith in God—praise Him.

*We are going out with Timmy miserable with a cold –praising Him in all things.

*We are going out with $250. Gas expense alone to Denver will be $200, so we are depending on the Lord’s provision. Praise to our God who is faithful.

*We are going out tomorrow.

Judges 12-21 was only distressing…. I got no encouragement…

October 26 Ohio

As they sent us out with loving goodbyes and prayers, the Pletcher family gave us snacks and popcorn for the journey.

Hidden inside the popcorn container was a small refrigerator magnet that said:

YOU CAN DO IT – Philippians 4:13

[We kept it on the refrigerator for years.]

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Our first night stop was a surprise visit to some Elim friends who lived in Ohio. We had connected with them so well at the school, but our visit was strained. I guess 6 of us appearing late afternoon was a bit overwhelming to the newlyweds!

Ruth – the book of Ruth in the Biblee – AMAZING NIV notes are so appropriate for us!!

NIV notes in my Bible:

Ruth’s and Naomi’s self-giving love FULFILLS GOD’S LAW:

Leviticus 19:18 but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.

Romans 13:10 Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

NIV Bible footnotes: The Hebrew word for redemption occurs 23 times in various forms in the book of Ruth.

Naomi moves from emptiness to fulfillment through the God-blessed acts of Ruth and Boaz.

October 27- 31 Ohio, Indiana, Illinois

Dan’s mom, Beth (Bebo to the kids), and her husband Al, were HAPPY to see us in Wheaton, Illinois.

I had been able to pray in the Spirit one hour. I had also been asking God for encouragement, but I was caught off guard by this opportunity for prayer and love as we met Luann and Dennis at the Vineyard church on Sunday morning. We received the word: for the trip–rest, don’t try to teach. I decided give in. As the boys continue to take turns sitting in the front with Dan, he can exhort them, teach them about the passing geography and all manner of things. I will continue reading aloud to them as we bump along.

OH! Gramp Al, Bebo’s husband, gave Dan a VISA bank card to pay for our gas for the remainder of the trip! We used it for gas, giving thanks every single time and sent it back to him as soon as we got to Reno. 

322 – God Made the Sun Stand Still

322 – God Made the

Sun Stand Still

September 28-October 2, 1988

Phyllis was very hospitable. We stayed in a campground and visited her at her house and the church. We went to her English speaking class and to the park for lunch with her and the ladies. We met her Japanese Pastor and his wife. Every time I looked at the wife I began weeping! The crying lasted 40 minutes. I was never sure what this was about. Ask dan

This was 30 years ago. My journal notes indicate that one day we left the motorhome in the camp place and went by transit into New York City. I remember that, but not what we did that day.

October 3

After we left Phyllis, we tried to homeschool as we traveled, but we only accomplished a little. There was much spiritual warfare. Timmy was upset. The freeway was terrible, so we got off and went the side roads. There was a lot of traffic through Philadelphia. Yet Dan and I kept agreeing and God led us for sure.

Sitting in the motor home was like being on a ship during a storm, hanging on, losing footing, but persevering. Finally seeing the shore and a refuge! Dan confronted Tim to surrender his will and give up his way. They prayed. Tim received peace and joy!

My concern about being able to do our homeschooling is huge. We have concerns about the weather and the road conditions that will be coming this time of year. And, we plan to go south to see my relatives, then north and back to Livonia, then west to Reno.

Joshua 10:12 Then Joshua spoke to the Lord…


God is able to rule over nature for His children!

You always meet me, You always give me hope! I just need to come to You! I will keep my trust in You!

312 – We Had the Support of Our Friends

312 – We Had the Support of Our Friends

August 13, 1988

God, please send helpers! And please have a friend invite the boys to go swimming. IT’S YARD SALE DAY! [We made $956. God sent Larry and Stephanie Craft! PTL!]

The house is EMPTY and the Wilsons are already moving in!

August 14

The message at the Livonia church this morning impacted me:  Hebrews 3:1 Consider Jesus. “All He did for me makes all He asks me to do for Him seem small.” Pastor George Davis.

I will fix my eyes on Him.

We went to the Belcastro’s for dinner and the Porters (our home group leaders) came also.

August 15

Numbers 2:34 So the Israelites did everything the Lord commanded Moses—so the Lemaires did everything the Lord told Dan Lemaire to do!!

August 16

Dan was offered two more weeks of work at his job at SouthCo. So rather than his last day being on the 2nd he would finish the 17th. He prayed about the decision for two days and felt he should take the work. That meant we would be here for the Billy Graham Crusade and also we would be able to give the Livonia School District our ‘intent’ letter to homeschool for the 1988-89 school year. We would then be covered as we head across the country.

All of the boxes are taped for shipping and are on side porch and in the mudroom. WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS!

Each day the boys help us and then swim or play with the neighbor kids. Each night someone has invited us over to dinner. Eddie and Joan Carl gave us a goodbye party! We have made so many fine friends.

August 18

We moved into the Pletcher’s house until the 29th, maybe longer if they extend their vacation. God, YOU ARE GOOD.

311- We Moved into the Nautilus

311 – We Moved into the Nautilus!


August 11, 1988

Leviticus 19:3 Everyone of you shall revere his mother and his father.

Repented of not honoring my parents in my heart like I think I probably should.

Leviticus 20:23 You must not live according to the customs of the nations.

Felt reinforced about our decision to homeschool. Our nation’s customs have become so divergent from the days when God was more respected and right was right and wrong was wrong.

I sped through the rest of Leviticus and finished it.

I praise God for the grace that met me today. I have a POSITIVE attitude. With the loss of possessions, timidity about our future, people’s questionings about our adventuresome journey—and the fact that we do not know what we are doing—thank God for PEACE and positivity!

August 12

We named our very small motor home the Nautilus.

A nautilus is a mollusk that swims in the ocean with its shell buoyant and upright. We had named our homeschool Nautilus–believing we were propelled and ‘covered’ by the Lord in our lifestyle to educate our sons. 

Today we moved in! Yes, it is v-e-r-y cozy!

We stored all of Tim and Steve’s homeschool materials in the shower! (We did not have the money to order Mark’s.) We took a minimum of clothes for the six of us, basic cooking pans and utensils, a few toys. Remember this thing was perched on top of a Toyota pickup truck bed. 

When we moved from Reno to NY, we moved most of our worldly goods across the country in pods. But for the return trip, we had not yet received a final destination from the Lord and we had no funds to warrant the luxury of holding onto our possessions. We could afford to keep only the basics. So we sold all of our furniture and appliances and a good amount of our stuff. We stacked our 50 boxes in the shed. Dan had carefully enumerated what was in each box and numbered the boxes.

As it was, about a year later we were unable to send for only a 4 or 5 boxes. Dan’s dad’s train set, my grandmother’s silver, the boys’ bikes and hot wheels, and much much more—we never saw again. We finally wrote a friend in our little Livonia church and gave permission for her to empty the Wilson’s shed, have a yard sale, and give the money to the church. It was sad. But during this season I met a family whose house had burned to the ground and they lost everything. I decided to buck up and be a good sport.

A lady named Nancy saw our newspaper ad and came by and bought our clothes dryer. She shared she had six children and they were a farm family. She started having kids late and had the last two in her 40’s!!!. She shared how important it was to put our values into the children.

I had asked the Lord to give me acquaintances with women who are older, have large families and are family-oriented. Praise the Lord for this answered prayer which encouraged the baby vision.

298 -Overwhelmed with a Gift

298 – Overwhelmed with a Gift

July 8, 1988

I love the way the Lord speaks to me through my daily devotions:

The Lord…will send His angel with you and make your journey a success. Genesis 24:40

Lord this is exactly what we need to hear as we prepare for leaving for unknown places without any real vision or plans yet!


I was sharing with Sue (Elim student) about our thoughts regarding moving and that we were praying about getting a motor home. She said, “Oh, I’ve seen God work quickly –in a few days and even in a few hours!”

Later that day,

         …..Greg and Cheryl, our very good friends, came to the house with a missionary friend. He had just finished itinerating (traveling around the country raising money to support their missionary assignment). He and his wife had a little motor home, which he brought for us to look at. They were selling it, and of course we were interested, but we had absolutely no money to offer for it.

BUT what was really happening —

was that Greg and Cheryl had already bought it from the missionary and were giving it to us!


I began to object—“you can’t do this…we can’t possibly accept this…” and the missionary said, “You have to learn when people are giving you something to just say, “Thank You, Jesus, and praise the Lord!”

This gift changed everything and put our plans into high gear.

Our friends had brought the missionary so that he could tell us everything we needed to know about driving the motor home and living in it.

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart, I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your Name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1-2

297 – Timmy Stayed Bonded

297 – Timmy Stayed Bonded

July 6, 1988

Yesterday Dan asked Timmy if he would like to move, even though he could not go to school at Livonia Primary. Tim said a hearty “yes!”

A few days ago when Dan had asked the same question, Tim had said “no.”

The McNeals have been staying with us, in between the first question and this one, and I believe that their visit has been a GODSEND. Tim and Clancey (age 10) have spent a lot of time together, and Clancey really liked itinerating and being on the road. Thanks, Clancey!!

When we leave here, we will be uprooted, and Timmy would be back in homeschool.

July 7

Steve’s 8th birthday. We decorated with crepe paper and balloons, Dan made a super birthday poster, and we had his friends over for cake and ice cream.

Eva Leissups told a story about two sisters who wanted to go to China but God sent them to the Chinese in New York City to learn the culture and the language. I don’t know if they ever left the US. [This proved to be directive and prophetic for us.]

Genesis 22 Was our sending Timmy to public school for one year (because our authority expected it) like Abraham laying Isaac on the altar? Was it a test from God to test our faith in Him, and to prove our commitment to Him? v 11 “Now I (angel of the Lord) know that you fear God because you have not withheld from Me your son.” Lord, I feel encouraged that I passed a test, and that Dan did too, and that You covered Tim.

I also felt relieved that our bond with Tim had survived the 9 month school year separation. Oh, how I fretted about that.

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

295 – A Trailer, a Workshop, and a Routine

295 – A Trailer, a Workshop, and a Routine

May 10, 1988

Dan saw an Airstream travel trailer for $5,600. School at Elim was winding down and our missions program was ending. We were pretty sure we were moving on. We were not sure of our destination, but we thought a trailer or a motor home might be the way to go wherever we were going. So we began to pray and look around, all the while knowing that we could not afford to purchase anything.

May 27, 1988

I went to a Greg Harris workshop. He’s a famous speaker who is outspoken about the value of  homeschooling and it was very encouraging. What impacted me was his challenge to dads: would your children follow you into the ark as Noah’s children did? Noah was the head of the home. He had integrity, he related to the family in such a way that they would follow him (as adults) wherever he led them. Later at home, I was looking at Dan and thinking, “Yes they would follow their dad, and so would I.”

June 24, 1988

We were now on a summer schedule. Timmy was home and most days the whole neighborhood was over at our house. But I really wanted to have a family routine, chore time, and Bible time with the boys. I also really wanted Timmy to get back into the family loop. I felt God had given me a revelation after I had read Ephesians 5:15-16:

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Be very careful, Georgann—be wise, not foolish. Other people’s children can and should fit into your family’s lives, but carefully make decisions about when, who, how long.

So when Tina called me about watching her sons, I carefully chose 10:30 am. Then Vivian called for me to watch Darren at 8:30 am. I said yes foolishly out of peer pressure and friendship. But I decided that from now on, that early time is a priority for breakfast, chores, Tim and Steve reading to me, me reading Bible to all of them, and keeping my homeschool log daily. I am asking God to intervene this morning to help it go well.

Later: with much prayer, and with confidence, yet with trembling, I went into the day. Darren came and we continued with our schedule. I was polite yet firm to keep him from being silly and distracting us from our Bible study and our discussion of the evils of these days. It was an excellent discussion. We went to our reading of Pilgrim’s Progress. Then writing, then listening to Tim and Steve read to me. We went outside to wait for Tim’s friend and Tina’s boys. The morning went excellently—God certainly intervened on my behalf.

And to top off the day: Pastor Judy brought me deodorant!! Later we went strawberry picking—15 quarts!

Psalm 23 He has restored my soul in Livonia. Literally, green pastures and quiet waters have ministered to me. Thank You, Lord!